Song For The Night

Montgomery Burns Interview

Ocho Season 1 Episode 5

Montgomery Burns were a three-piece pop punk band from central Pennsylvania. Formed in 1995, with the plan of staying together for one year, they self-released a 7" EP and a split 7" before booking a three-week summer tour in a van with faulty brakes which took them as far as Colorado & Wyoming.  

As planned, the band ended at the culmination of that tour.  They were also one of the first touring bands to come through Pierre.  They played at the Elks Lodge on May 23, 1996, on the last day of school. One of their fondest memories of tour is eating pancakes at Boo's house the morning after their Pierre show.  They played at Dillinger Four House in Minneapolis the day before, and in Rapid City with Stickman the day after.  

Singer/bassist Mark moved to Chicago to do punk rock stuff, drummer Scott moved to Florida to be a journalist, guitarist Joey stayed in PA and finished college. Each of them continued to play in bands. Scott & Joey currently live in California; Mark passed away from cancer on March 10, 2021.

Their final show was Monday June 3rd 1996 in Olney Illinois.